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Management Evolution


Submitted By sakku0009
Words 1406
Pages 6
The Evolution of Management Theory
People have been changing the shapes of the organizations for much generation. Looking back towards world history, we can mark out the incidents of people working together in official organizations such as the Greek and Roman armies, the East India Company, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Hudson Bay Company. People have also long been thinking about how to make organizations efficient and effective‐‐ since long before terms such as "management" came into common terms.
Early Strategies
The adjective 'Machiavellian' is used to Identify Shrewd and manipulative opportunists. Therefore Machiavelli was a great believer in the virtues of a republic. This is a proof in Discourses, a book Machiavelli has written in 1531 while he lived in the early Italian republic of Florence. The principles he set forth can be taken into consideration to apply to the management of organizations today.
An organization is more stable if members have the right to express their differences and solve their conflicts within it while one person can begin an organization, "it is lasting when it is left in the care of many and when many desire to maintain it." A weak manager can follow a strong one, but not another weak one, and maintain authority. A manager seeking to change an established organization "should retain at least a shadow of the ancient customs."
Another classic work that offers insights to modem managers is The Art of War, written by the Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu more than 2,000 years ago. It was modified and used by Mao Zedong, who founded the People's Republic of China in l949. Among Sun Tzu's dictum are the following:
When the enemy advances. we retreat! when the enemy halts we harass!
When the enemy seeks to avoid battle, we attack!
When the enemy retreats, we pursue!
Although these rules were meant to guide military strategy, they have been

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