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Mayella Ewell Research Paper

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Who is Mayella Ewell? Mayella Ewell is a young adult that lives with her father in Maycomb, Alabama. In the 1930’s, Mayella Ewell has power because of her race, class, and gender. Her race helps her during these times because Negroes did not have any advantage like the white folks did. She uses her gender to her advantage because it can make her look weak and vulnerable. Men are supposed to be stronger than women, which also is an advantage to her. Another thing is that her class is right above the colored people which makes her more powerful than them. Mayella uses her class to her advantage because she is at a higher rate than the colored. She may not be in the highest class, but she still has more power since she is a white woman. “Mr. Ewell had a scalded look: as if an overnight soaking had deprived him of protective layers of dirt….Mayella looked as if she tried to keep clean, and I was reminded of the row of red geraniums in the Ewell yard.”. (Lee, Chapter 18). …show more content…
They are treated unfairly by the white folks. When a white person accuses a Negro, accordingly the white people will agree with them even if they were not there to see it. “[The Ewells]...have presented themselves to you gentlemen, to this court...confident that you gentlemen would go along with them on the assumption-the evil assumption-that all Negroes lie, that all Negroes are basically immoral beings, that all Negro men are not to be trusted around our women…”. (Lee, Chapter 20). Tom Robinson is a Negro and gets accused

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