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Mcs in Hospitality Industry


Submitted By brehan2us
Words 36462
Pages 146
2011-06-25 School of Economics and Management Lund University Department of Business Administration

The Use of Management Control Systems in the Hospitality Industry

Supervisor: Per-Magnus Andersson Authors: Richard G. Sicari Fredrik J. Söderlund


Title: Seminar Date: Course: Authors: Advisor: Key Words: The Use of Management Control Systems in the Hospitality Industry 2011-06-01 BUSP02: Master Thesis in Accounting and Management Control Richard G. Sicari and Fredrik J. Söderlund Per-Magnus Andersson Hospitality Industry, Management Control Systems, Performance Measurement, Contingency Approach, Multiple Case Study The purpose of the thesis is to describe and analyze the use of management control systems in the hospitality industry.


Methodology: The study is mainly a descriptive, multiple case study based on deductive reasoning. However, explanatory elements occur. The nature of the study is to a large extent qualitative and is primarily based on interviews and analysis of current management control tools. The analytical strategy includes pattern matching, explanation building and cross-case synthesis. Theoretical Perspectives: The main text editions included are Anthony and Govindarajan (2003 & 2007), Lindvall (2001), Merchant and Van der Stede (2007) and Samuelsson (2004). Furthermore, the use of management control systems in the hospitality industry is examined using literature such as Harris (1995), as well as other articles. Empirical Foundation: There are four units of analysis included in this study: (1) BrewPub København; (2) Färs & Frosta Sparbank Arena; (3) Kulturmejeriet and; (4) Scandic Hotels. This organization is divided into three subunits; Scandic Kramer, Scandic Malmö City and Scandic Star Lund. Each organization is described in terms of background, situational factors, strategy & management philosophy, organizational

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