Premium Essay



Submitted By Kidega2
Words 4628
Pages 19
RUNNING HEAD: financial planning

LVJCBC Group C Financial Planning and Projections

Vanansio Samson & Benibo George

MGMT 600

Professor Catherine Grogan

Keller Graduate School of Management

June 16, 2013

Start-up cost:

1. have raised $100,000 and seeking for additional $200,000 to start the online music business through the Boston Harbor Angel Investors, whose role in financing companies in Internet/Web services, medical devices, consumer products, and other business products has been tremendous since 2004. Since business falls under the category of the Web base business, and The Boston Harbor requirements involve the value of business plan, potential growth, and the musical industries, therefore, is eligible under the investor’s requirements through the following set-up: (

1. The company’s business plan value, potentiality to growth, and strong management team.

2. Familiarity of the music industry and the latest computing cloud technology that will be applied The investment will cover the development stage of the company, our intention is to have a long-term plan that will allow to mature into a profitable business by adding values that would help the company grow while expect to achieve a higher return on Investment. Projected starting month and year is; January, 2014.

Important Assumptions
The following gives us a clearer picture into how we would function and operate as a business;
Being an online (service) business, we have no need to embark on excessive Capital purchases, which basically means this is not so much of a capital intensive project. Most of what we need to perform optimally will not cost us a lot and at the same time would last for a relatively long period of time with minimal cost for

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