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Minimum Wage Outline


Submitted By vthokies
Words 262
Pages 2


SUBJECT: Minimum Wage Credibility: I worked a minimum wage job for two years in high school. I am also thinking about getting a (minimum wage) job here in Blacksburg so I will be directly dealing with the issues that come with working a minimum wage job.

Audience Identity: Virginia/national lawmakers or Local employers who pay their employees minimum wage * Important because they are the ones who decided what the minimum wage * Explain to them the struggles that come along with only making 7.25/hour.

Living Expenses:
According to, the living wage in Montgomery County is $8.84, but the minimum wage is $7.25. This means that it really isn’t possible to live solely off of a minimum wage job.

Minimum Wage Jobs:
Although minimum wage jobs were created for people with “minimum skills”, some of the jobs actually end up being much more difficult. Many people working these jobs feel like their hard work is not being rewarded.

Survey: I plan to conduct a survey around campus and poll people with few questions. 1. Have you ever worked a minimum wage job? 2. Are you currently working a minimum wage job? 3. Do you feel that the minimum wage should be raised?

Interviews: In addition to my own experience with minimum wage, I plan to interview students who are currently working minimum wage jobs and ask them what they wish would be changed about their jobs. I would also like to interview some university employees who are making around minimum

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