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Mkt 421 Week 5


Submitted By hyperevo8
Words 6476
Pages 26
Marketing Plan Green Home Products xxx, xxx, xxx University of Phoenix
MKT 421, Marketing xxx xxx

Organizational Overview Green Home Pest Control Products, Inc is an industry leader in providing eco friendly botanical pest control solutions for consumers. Eco friendly refers to having no harmful effects on the environment or its inhabitants. Green home believes that non synthetic environmentally safe pesticides promote a cleaner and safer home environment for families with children and pets. Our company creates pest control products that utilize organic compounds that are deadly to insects, but remain harmless to humans, animals, and plants (Safer Pest Control Project, 2010). Synthetic pest control kills more than just problematic insects in the garden. Chemical insecticides may bring harmful negative consequences to humans, animals and non-targeted organisms. Birds can be harmed after eating food that has been treated. Bird’s eggs have been affected by insecticides reducing the population. Insecticides can kill bees and reduce pollination which in turn reduces crop yields. Pesticides kill indiscriminately killing both pests and their natural predators. Once the predators are gone, the populations come back stronger and more pesticides and insecticides are used. This harms the soil, stealing its natural ingredients. These products are harmful if inhaled by humans, and can be harmful to humans and pets on contact. Green Home saw this as unacceptable. We set out to discover natural ingredients when combined at just the right amount will have the same helpful affects of the synthetic brands with harming pets, birds, children or other creatures. Green Home offers a wide variety of eco friendly pesticides including general insect repellent, wasp and hornet killer, and in home insect control. Our company has been issued several US and foreign patents,

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