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Module 1 - Session Long Project


Submitted By luvtones
Words 367
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All of my comparisons are limited due to the fact that during this SLP I was forced to switch to a government laptop that I was unable to download browsers to.

My primary personal browser is Google Chrome. I choice to use this browser after it was introduced to me by a friend several years ago. I appreciate the simplicity of it and it’s functionality. However, upgrades over the years have changed the interface considerably and made certain things like internet options hard to locate at times. I have had minor issues with the browser seeming to crash however, it is hard to tell if it is the browser itself or the computer that is causing the problems. I have an appreciation for the fact that I am able to identify multiple home pages and every I open up the browser all of the pertinent pages are immediately available for me to access. Overall, Chrome has been a great browser with only minor issues.

At work I use Internet Explorer. I have found no issues with this browser and believe the only reason I don’t use it personally is for a change of scenery. Explorer seems to offer all of the same functions that Chrome has as well as the occasional crash. Because the Air Force remains loyal to Microsoft, the one plus to Explorer is that it is the only browser that will operate all of the online applications that the Air Force requires we use. Other than this minor detail, I have found no difference in the functionality.

Another browser that I’ve been able to experiment with is Mozilla Firefox. This browser seems very similar to Explorer. The functionality is about the same but as stated before, it doesn’t allow complete uninhibited access to all of the Air Force applications that are necessary to function on a daily basis. I believe this is due to a security issue for some of the applications. Because this is a browser that is available on government computers, if it was fully functional, I would probably choose to use it instead of Explorer. The appeal of the browser is a bit more catching than that of the Explorer.

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