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Motivation: The Forgotten Tool
Motivation: The Forgotten Tool

Consuelo Moran
EDCI 6304 Learning & Cognition (Fall 2007)
School of Education
University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

Literature Review

Motivation. The importance of motivation is widely known, however, the high drop-out rates in our school and low test scores at our schools suggest that maybe we have all forgotten just how important motivation is. “High motivation and engagement in learning have consistently been linked to reduced dropout rates and increased levels of student success” (Halwah, 2006, p.1). Literature has shown that “student's motivation for learning is generally regarded as one of the most critical determinants, if not the premier determinant, of the success and quality of any learning outcome” (Halwah, 2006, p.3). Therefore, motivation as well as the relationship between motivation and academic achievement need to be studied as well. This study will discuss motivation in details through my personal experience with motivation and the significance it plays in learning. This research offers an insight to the age-old question of how we should get our school children to learn and keep them from dropping out of school.

Many children, especially adolescence, often believe that they know everything and they have no need to learn something new. Lack or motivation is derived from this exact sentiment which impedes the learning process. “If there really is no need to acquire anything or attain anything or improve yourself, if you are already whole and complete and by that same virtue so is the world, then why on earth bother…” (Kobat-Zinn, 2005, pg.1). Most research introduced in this paper are related to motivation in second language acquisition, but it can be applied to the learning process and why most children lose their motivation.

Definition of Motivation


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