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Submitted By sheila46
Words 517
Pages 3
Desiree Baby is a story set during the American Civil War, a time when interracial couples and families were not accepted. During this time frame Slave owner’s would secretly have relations with slaves. This story relates to how cultural, social classes, ethnicity and nationality were a huge importance.
In this story Armand Aubigny is a plantation owner who carriers one of the supreme names in Louisiana, and because of this believes he is the best and deserves the best. He fell in love with beautiful Desiree after seeing her all grown up. He is reminded that she is adopted and does not know who her material family is. Because of Desiree’s beauty Armand really does not care about her heritage.
Armand who was very strict and mean to the slaves became much more amiable towards them after the birth of his beautiful son. A Son to who he believed would carry on the family’s name. Desiree also came to notice how Armand’s attitude changed and how he became a much more pleasant person especially towards the slaves, no longer punishing them. This made her very happy.
As the baby started getting older Armand notice that his son looks were changing, that he look bi-racial. Désirée also recognized this. Armand felt betrayed by his wife and felt as though
God was punishing him because of his first wife. He believed his wife was bi-racial, not completely white. Armand felt that he could no longer love her because of this. Armand believed that his family’s name would be destroyed if he continue to be with Desiree. So,
Armand decided to make his wife and baby leave their home and to never return. He burned belonging that belong to her and the baby that were left behind. The last items he decided to burn were letters that were written by Desiree. While burning letters Armand came upon a letter was was written by his mother to his father. In the letter his

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