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My Biography


Submitted By Derkachenko
Words 523
Pages 3
George Gordon Byron, who is often referred to as Lord, was a prominent English writer, poet and aristocrat. One of his most renowned characters was Child Harold - his alter ego, who became the prototype of numerous other heroes in European literature. That’s why even after Byron’s death his books were highly-demanded.

The well-known writer was born on January 22nd in 1788 in London. However, his mother soon got divorced and moved with little George to Scotland where her relatives lived. From the very childhood Byron suffered from physical disability, which influenced greatly his life. His right foot was deformed which caused him a limp that resulted in lifelong misery. That’s why he had quite a difficult personality and hysterical character.

In fact, even having such physical disabilities, he voluntarily took part in the Greek War of Independence and therefore was considered a national hero of Greece. Already when the poet was eighteen his first book was published but under a different name. It was a vast collection of poems which he soon refilled with over a hundred of new rhymes and published this time under his own name.

His next book, released in 1809, received a wide response. The same year he left England, as the sum of his debts dramatically increased, and started exploring Europe. Byron visited Spain, Greece, Albania and some other countries. His exciting journey lasted for two years and that was the time when he started working on his successful poem “Child Harold’s Pilgrimage”.

He returned from the trip in 1811 and year later his poem was published. That was the turning point in his career. He suddenly woke up famous. It was an innovative poem in many ways with a new type of literary character in all-European literature. Since then his creative life was rather rich. The new poems and tales in verse were released, among them “The Giaour”, “Hebrew Melodies” etc.

In 1815 Byron married to Anabella Milbenk, who gave birth to his daughter a year later. However this marriage didn’t last; the couple soon divorced. In 1816 he left his native England and moved first to Geneva, then to Venice. The poet led as many would have said an immoral life. At the same time he continued writing new verses: the fourth song of “Child Harold”, the first parts of “Don Giovanni”, “Ode on Venice”, etc.

In April 1819 he met a woman who became his lifelong love. Her name was Countess T. Guiccioli. Although they often moved from one city to another, Byron’s creativity was on high level. During that period he wrote “Cain” (the play, 1820), “The Bronze Age” (1823). In 1820 he joined the movement of Italian Carbonari and in 1823 enthusiastically participated in the struggle for liberty held in Greece.

He spent all his money, possessions and talent to help the local population to gain freedom. In 1823 he fell seriously ill and a year later the great poet died. He tried to get as much as possible out of his life and he always looked for new adventures and experiences. G. G. Byron was buried in Newstead.

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