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Narrative Check List


Submitted By raticus12345
Words 551
Pages 3


• Plan a convincing /realistic story • Make sure some form of CONFLICT is at the centre. • CONFLICT between two or more people, someone in conflict with themselves (making a decision, perhaps), conflict between a person and society, or a person and nature. • Simple and personal ideas work well • Start from what you know and build/ elaborate on this. • Avoid fantasy fiction, ghost stories and complicated adventure stories. • Avoid a plot which ends with : ‘I woke up and it was all a dream/nightmare’ (although a dream might happen inside the story, in a paragraph, perhaps). • Decide whether to use a linear (chronological) structure- • Or a structure using temporal shifts/ time changes such as flashbacks. • Choose third or first person according to task and STICK WITH IT (although there might be an opportunity for selective use of embedded narrative- another voice telling the story). • Try to use narrative hooks- intrigue your readers, perhaps keep them in suspense or keep them guessing! • Plan a definite opening and ending.

Task : plan a story using this classic five part structure- • Exposition (opening- it sets the scene and kick off the action) • Encounter – a meeting or key event involving two or more characters. • Complication or conflict- the difficulty. • Climax- the most intense moment of the story. • Resolution- the ending- sad, happy, mixed, open ending, surprise ending or ‘twist in the tail of the tale.



• Focus on two or three main characters only. • Try to make them realistic and ‘rounded’ (with depth). • Select key details. • Avoid giving a long, boring description of their entire appearance –pick significant features. • Help the readers

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