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Native American Studies


Submitted By ksfyj123
Words 689
Pages 3
Indians, who was the aborigines of Americas, have suffered from the war and colonization for many years. After the found of the United States of America, Indians became the citizen of the USA, but they didn’t have the same rights as other race. So, someone did a lot of job to make it change. Throughout the history, the most famous stuff is Marshall Trilogy.
John Marshall, the longest serving Chief Justice in Supreme Court history and played a significant role in the development of the American legal system and federal Indian law, has been credited with cementing the position of the American judiciary as an independent and influential branch of government. He made some decisions about the US government, and his decisions were about the Indians’ rights and laws. So, these decisions were regard as Marshall Trilogy.
Three parts of the Marshall Trilogy are: Johnson v. M’Intosh in 1823, Cherokee Nation v. Georgia in 1831, and Worcester v. Georgia in 1832.
The first one is Johnson v. M’Intosh, this case related to land issues and the interpretation of the Doctrine of Discovery in the United States. Johnson and M’Intosh wanted to obtain the same land, but the government stood on the side of M’Intosh, and it said Indians did not own land outright, but they could occupy the land, only the US can solve those land conflicts. Indians could not sell the lands. In a word, only the US government can communicate with the Indians about land problems.
The second one is Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, it’s about the the relationship between the tribes and the United States. Cherokee Chief John Ross tried to protect Cherokee lands. And to keep the laws of Georgia from being imposed on them by asking for an injunction in the United States Supreme Court. At the end of this case, a responsibility came up, named “doctrine of federal trust responsibility”. This idea was talking about that

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