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Nature vs Nurture in Twins


Submitted By anderst0316
Words 2057
Pages 9
Nature vs. Nurture in Twins
Stephanie A Anderson
Western Governors University
WGU Student ID# 000257288

Nature vs. Nurture in Twins
Many studies are being done on twins and the difference between genetics vs. environment. Many studies are done on monozygotic twins as well as dizygotic twins. Monozygotic (MZ) twins are known as identical twins because they are from one egg that is fertilized and splits into two genetically identical halves, which continue to grow as twins. If there are any additional splitting of the zygote it leads to triplets, quadruplets etc. In Dizygotic (DZ) twins, also known as fraternal twins, there are two eggs that are fertilized by two different sperm, essentially making two babies at once that are genetically different but similar like other siblings. (Wheelwright, 2004) There are many differences between identical twins and fraternal twins such as fraternal twins can be of opposite sex. It is very rare for identical twins to be different sexes since they are split from the same zygote. (Wheelwright, 2004) Identical twins share 100% of their genetics and fraternal twins about 50%. (Horwitz, Videon, Schmitz, Davis, 2003) Identical twins do have the same DNA and the same fingerprints. Although there are now genetic tests that can find minor differences in the DNA of identical twins, they are still considered genetically identical. (Wheelwright, 2004)
With all the studies that have been done over the years with sets of twins, they are beginning to learn a lot more about genetics and how genetics and environment affects behavior and health conditions. For more than a century studies have been conducted on monozygotic twins that have been reared apart that continually show strong similarities in their behaviors which has been linked to their genetics. Although this is not 100% definitive, it leads researchers to look for

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