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New System Proposal Cis/207


Submitted By lockett
Words 1392
Pages 6
New System Proposal

Team B


January 16, 2013

New System Proposal

Riordan Manufacturing Company is leader in industry, and the company uses polymer materials to create solutions to customers. Dr. Riordan, a professor of chemistry founded Riordan Plastics Inc. by 1993 the company went to Riordan Plastics Inc. to Riordan Manufacturing Company and expanded the company into China. In 1991 the company supported commercial applications for his patent and the customers that use the products are the manufacturer of automotive parts, appliance manufactures, the manufactures of aircrafts, and the Department of Defense (DoD), alone with bottlers, and beverage makers (Riordan Mfg., 2012). The company’s earnings are $46 million and the total revenue excesses $1 Billion. Riordan Manufacturing Company has over 500 employees in Albany GA, Pontiac MI, and Hangzhou China (Riordan Mfg., 2012).

Looking into the company’s system, there isn’t any security features established to prevent anyone from accessing information on the company’s intranet. Logins should be required to access the information within the company’s intranet and also should be monitored by the IT department. When the company expanded their operations in to Hangzhou China the fan manufacturing operation moved from Pontiac Michigan to Hangzhou China, team B need to look at the financing and accounting department systems because it was never addressed on the switch, just added more software and applications designed for plastic processors for assembling.

New System Proposal It would be more cost effective to outsource to AT&T to help with implementing Internet security and mobile accessing along with ERP system. AT&T offers a Business Internet Service plan were the components of options would be setting up an 1800 number for all three plants along with

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