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Nice Essay 2


Submitted By ryanhtpw2
Words 454
Pages 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ultricies, nisi sit amet porta rutrum, nulla mi semper eros, a porta ligula lacus vel eros. Duis posuere auctor viverra. Duis blandit felis id mauris tincidunt sodales. Duis id ullamcorper risus. Donec eu dictum leo. Nullam sollicitudin fringilla mi sed blandit. Etiam sagittis sit amet libero ut eleifend. Vestibulum in nunc tempor libero commodo dignissim. Donec viverra iaculis augue vitae porttitor. Aenean consequat bibendum suscipit.
Integer pretium metus bibendum mauris ultricies maximus. Vestibulum placerat fringilla nisl at fermentum. Aenean condimentum vitae enim et condimentum. Fusce tincidunt, nunc nec interdum malesuada, sem nibh volutpat justo, in volutpat magna nibh ut augue. Ut egestas ligula lacus, quis fermentum dolor mollis non. Aenean finibus, nunc ut mattis gravida, nisl lectus dictum odio, et feugiat magna arcu id nisi. Curabitur nisl risus, vestibulum vitae massa quis, imperdiet consequat diam. Aenean facilisis tortor et pulvinar sodales. Nunc accumsan condimentum ullamcorper. Mauris molestie scelerisque sodales. Nunc ornare ligula libero, vitae porttitor orci accumsan non. Fusce eu diam orci. Cras tempor aliquet orci, at malesuada nulla.
In vulputate, risus quis tristique commodo, lectus massa vestibulum quam, vel scelerisque sapien arcu placerat tellus. Maecenas ultrices nisl at enim convallis suscipit. Fusce ex dui, mollis finibus leo vitae, malesuada eleifend neque. Ut convallis tincidunt dui sit amet porttitor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean egestas dolor a nulla placerat, sed consectetur metus commodo. Nam ut sapien faucibus dolor imperdiet tempor eget tempor urna. Pellentesque venenatis urna ac eleifend cursus. Sed id arcu sodales, venenatis neque in, sollicitudin elit. In eget dolor tempor, cursus nisl sed, cursus neque. Maecenas mauris ligula, mollis ut elit non, aliquet molestie sem.
Praesent felis nisl, tincidunt ut ultrices ac, fringilla quis justo. Sed auctor, turpis non condimentum varius, lacus nunc dapibus sem, quis pharetra nisl mi sit amet lorem. Sed id laoreet dui. Nullam ultricies vel magna a maximus. Duis lectus dui, luctus condimentum nisl at, sagittis suscipit libero. Integer iaculis fringilla nunc vel luctus. Mauris laoreet arcu at tortor eleifend, quis faucibus massa ultrices. Nullam bibendum, purus sit amet dignissim finibus, nibh mauris egestas elit, ultricies feugiat lacus ex id erat. Nulla ipsum libero, sollicitudin quis fermentum non, pharetra at ligula. Maecenas eleifend nisi vel turpis porttitor rutrum at ut lacus.
Sed hendrerit sapien cursus dui lobortis dignissim. Mauris consectetur lacus vitae diam rutrum efficitur. Donec at iaculis est. Quisque rhoncus pharetra est, nec lobortis urna porta vel. Mauris a commodo enim, nec aliquam lorem. Aenean commodo posuere eros, ultricies feugiat orci accumsan eu. Donec aliquam libero id augue varius, non molestie neque vulputate. Cras sagittis varius ante, quis pharetra sapien consequat eget. Nam ornare, augue quis mattis scelerisque, tellus dolor faucibus erat, ut convallis mi ligula in nibh.

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Complex Needs

...Holistic Account of Care for a Patient or Client with Complex Needs What are complex needs? Who has them? It could be argued that everyone's needs are complex and as such, complex needs have been difficult to define (Rosengard et al., 2007). This essay intends to use literature to outline a systematic and holistic approach to care of a patient's complex needs. The nursing process and its framework of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation will be utilised to provide a patient centred approach (Castledine, 2011). Rankin and Regan (2004) described complex needs as being a framework rather than a label that determines service eligibility. The needs of people include breadth (range of need) and depth (severity); these factors have to be taken into account when providing holistic care. Holistic care is defined as an approach which takes into consideration the physical, mental and social factors in an illness, rather than just the disease itself (Martin, 2010). The person this essay will centre around gave informed consent to have their notes consulted with the intention to write this essay, in line with the Nursing and Midwifery Council's (NMC) The Code (2008). There are seven elements to informed consent; competence to decide, voluntariness to decide, disclosure of information, recommendation of a plan, understanding of the disclosure and recommendation, decision of the plan and authorising of the plan (Beauchamp & Childress, 1994 pp. 145-146). In line with the...

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