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Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment

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he most common form of sleep apnea is “Obstructive Sleep Apnea”, a condition where the airways are blocked, causing breathing to be briefly interrupted multiple times during the night.

Up until relatively recently, the standard of care for sleep apnea has been the CPAP machine, where air pressure is applied through a nasal mask. In 2006 the American Academy of Sleep Medicine included oral appliances as a first line of therapy for mild to moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea and studies have repeatedly validated their efficacy.

In Oral Appliance Therapy, an oral appliance is placed in the mouth and worn much like a mouth guard. It acts to keep your airways open. Oral appliances are also used to control snoring.

Who provides Oral Appliance Therapy? …show more content…
The continuous pauses and jolting awake make for a light sleep rather than the necessary deep, restorative sleep, resulting in daytime sleepiness and poor concentration.

Chronic sleep deprivation can also contribute to serious health conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and weight gain.

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Sleep Apnea Treatment
How we can help you
Sleep Apnea Treatment
A good night’s sleep without having to wear a mask is an alternative for most mild to moderate Sleep Apnea sufferers

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If you are not sure you have Sleep Apnea
If you think you have sleep apnea, but your are not sure, your first step is to make a visit to our office for a consultation with Dr. Takacs and to fill out a free questionnaire. If your questionnaire indicates a possiblity that you are suffering from sleep apnea, Dr. Takacs will arrange for your to go to the trusted sleep clinic she partners with for a sleep test. In some cases you will be able to do your sleep test at home. The sleep center will give you a definitive diagnosis and, if you have sleep apnea, determine its severity.

Can I do anything about my …show more content…
While CPAP treatment is considered 100% effective for those who are able to tolerate it, a good percentage of people are intolerant to it or are non-compliant. Studies have shown compliance rates as high as 95% with Oral Appliance Therapy. A recent study of sleep apnea patients using Oral Appliance Therapy showed that between 31 to 53 months after treatment initiation, treatment remained effective. Daytime sleepiness, fatigue severity and quality of life also remained improved.

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How do Sleep Apnea appliances work?
Oral appliances for sleep apnea work by moving the lower jaw (and tongue) forward and slightly open while you sleep. This movement tightens the soft tissue and muscles of the upper airway, and keeps the tongue from collapsing into the airway, thus preventing most obstruction during sleep.

The appliances also prevent the tissues of the upper airway from vibrating as air passes over them, which is the major source of snoring.

Sleep Apnea Treatment
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What is CPAP Treatment?
CPAP, or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, is a treatment that uses a continuous stream of mild air pressure to keep your airways

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