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On the Job Training


Submitted By annaneeee
Words 5165
Pages 21
The purpose of this study was to develop a program to enhance/improve the performance of the students in their OJT. This chapter presents the review of related research of the components of On-the-job training and job readiness training programs. The literature about internships, on the job training program, job readiness training programs, and Overview of On-the-Job Training are discussed. Also included are the need for workplace financial education, employee assistance program, employee assistance program and stress management, workplace financial education and its effectiveness, and productivity. This chapter ends with the summary of the literature review.
On-the-job training is a practical way of introducing new employees to the workplace by providing them hands-on learning opportunities and instruction. Typically, employees are briefed and then paired with a seasoned colleague who shows them the ropes. The employee can then transition into completing tasks on her own while under supervision (Lisa McQuerrey , 2014).
Tara Duggan and Demand Media observed that job readiness training programs prepare participants to get, keep and excel at a new job. Basic employability skills include effective communication, problem solving, resume building, and interviewing. Job readiness training programs also help participants develop good work habits that facilitate their ongoing success. Workshops typically include lectures, discussions and role-playing exercises. Job readiness programs may also provide transportation and childcare.
On-the-job training has been a training method used for almost all types of learning throughout history (Kelly, 1995). OJT is viewed by experts to have originated through merchant and craft guilds and apprenticeships when craftsmen learned through informal training with master craftsmen (Kelly, 1995 and Chase, 1996).

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