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Submitted By inacajab
Words 744
Pages 3
Over-parenting * Resume of ‘’Do Helicopter Moms’ Do more harm than good’’?
The text is about Robyn Lewis, who is a single mom to two boys, Ethan and Brendan. Robyn is obsessed with her boy’s lives; she is working full-time with organizing their lives, hour by hour. And all though the boys are 18 and 21, and don’t live at home, it doesn’t change her status. she spend all her time checking their grades, their bank account balance, doing their laundry, and just when you think she have done enough, she use their personal passwords to check their student e-mail. Ethan and Brendan are grateful for their mom’s help with their lives, because without her, they wouldn’t be able to do if all by themselves.

Lewis finds it very difficult to let go, she even wants to be friend with her boys’ wives, when they get marry, just so they can call and tell her how it goes with her sons
Even though Lewis has some issues with ‘’letting go’’ her sons describe her as; ‘’the most selfless person on the planet, that will give and give even when she got nothing left to give’’

* ’’It’s an essential part of growing up to learn to take risks, get in trouble, and sort it out on your own’’
From childhood is risk a famous word in our lives. You see a little kid trying to walk, and even if it falls every time, it doesn't make it stop. For how will this little child ever learn to walk, if it doesn’t try to proceeds? So in this case it’s a part of growing up, to try things we can’t predict.

People tell us, there are consequences of our actions. But still we get ourselves in troubles, not always because we are stupid, but also because we don’t really know what consequences are before we have tried it on our own. At the same time it can be interest to try the “untried” things, so we can learn the consequences. And we might fix the troubles on our own. I think that’s what makes

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Abuse of over the Counter Drugs

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