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Paper for Success


Submitted By ronstar09
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Executive Summary: Organizational Focus & Goals Derron Venerable University of Phoenix HRM/326 MARIBEL HINES September 15, 2014

Introduction The purpose of an Executive Summary is articulate a full report with the least amount of words possible depending on the size and nature of the issue. In most cases executive summaries serve as a report for executives who do not have the time to read the full report; therefore, the summary will give the executive the information that he or she needs to understand the objective, the issue(s), and the plan(s) in place to solve the issue(s). The following summary is focusing on an on-going overtime issue that one of the company’s branches is having. Focus and Goals The current focus at this particular location is to complete the daily task in the fastest most efficient safest way possible. The goals are to minimize or combine the current routes, run the routes from the closet point to the furthest and create a benchmark for each driver to attempt to meet in a safe but efficient manner. The research states that if the routes are done in a sequence form from the closet point to the furthest that this course of action with the benchmark in place will result in the employees working at a pace that will allow them to meet the company’s goals and criteria’s. Training and Relation In order to assist the employees in meeting these goals the company should and will train employees on how to properly prepare his or her delivery vehicle for the day and the company procedures in reference to loading the necessary items each drivers needs in order to have an successful day. Moreover, the company will share different tips and focus points that will decrease the amount of time each driver is spending at the facilities, which should lessen the amount of overtime that the employees are receiving, which is the company’s overall goal. Effect on Prioritizing The effect of the company’s focus and goals is beneficial to the company because the training is hands on, and the training can take place during work hours. Furthermore, the training needs to be only an hour long before the employees leaves the building and can be done in a one week time frame. The purpose is not to overwhelm employees with an enormous amount of new information but to reinstate the proper procedure in achieving the best possible customer service in the most efficient manner. Moreover, the employees will have a fresh and new focus on the expectations and goals that the company has set for its employees. Training Needs and Current Focus The company has first to communicate the issue to the employees, and this first step is crucial to the success of training the employees because will ease the minds of the employees and everyone including management will be on the same page. The next step is to allow employees the opportunity to share their concerns, strengths, and weaknesses when they are out in the field. The management team will compile all the information and put the information in order form the greatest concerns, strengths, and weaknesses to the least concerns, strengths, and weaknesses and the training will commence in that order attending to all credible factors addressing everyone’s input. Goals and Prioritizing Training When assessing training needs for an organization the person in charge of training has to consider the organizations overall goals to ensure that the training is going to achieve the company goals. Moreover, training has to be done in a manner that does not completely interrupt the company’s daily goals and task or more importantly diminish the importance and purpose that the training is attempting to achieve. Conclusion Depending on the issue at hand and the severity of the situation executive summaries will differ; moreover, the summary may not have to do with solving an issue the executive summary may be focusing on training employees on new procedures, protocol, or the implementation of new software. Regardless, of the reason executive summaries should be thorough and concise giving the executives a full understanding of what is to take place; even though, he or she did not read the full report.

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