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Peaceful Resistance In North Carolina

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I personally believe that peaceful resistance positively impacts our free society. I have followed the uproar North Carolina has been receiving because of a law (House Bill 2) that was passed. This specific law is known as the "bathroom law" which requires transgender people to use the restroom that matches with their sex at birth. There has been controversy about whether this is right or wrong and it is everyone's own opinion.
There have been many high profile celebrities such as Bruce Springsteen and Ringo Starr who have cancelled shows that were supposed to happen in state due to the newly passed law. The Atlantic Coast Conference announced they were going to move championships to a more neutral-site for this year outside of the state. These are very peaceful ways to protest something and I think it will help change the North Carolina law. …show more content…
Unfortunately, peaceful resistance can lead to violent resistance like the following example. Rosa Parks didn't stand on a bus in protest of unequal rights for black Americans. When she got arrested, it started the Montgomery bus boycott, which was also peaceful resistance. Soon after though, violent protests erupted from the Montgomery bus boycott.
I believe that the peaceful ones have more chance of producing change, because a person won’t anger the government by hurting people or doing criminal activities. Lately, stories of police shootings against black men and all the backlash that has came with those shootings have been brought to light. Most have not been peaceful with state of emergencies being placed in some cities. These violent protests have produced deaths, injured victims and millions of dollars of property damage. This isn't resolving

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