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Perceptions of Brain Based Learning


Submitted By peekd
Words 1299
Pages 6
Running Head: PERCEPTIONS OF BRAIN-BASED LEARNING 2 Brain-based learning theory has devised a new discipline known by some as educational neuroscience, or by others as mind, brain, and education science (Duman, 2010). It is a broad and comprehensive approach to instruction using current research from neuroscience. Brain-based education emphasizes the manner in which the brain learns naturally and is based on what is currently known about the structure and function of the human brain. This theory is a concept that includes an eclectic mix of teaching techniques. BBL practices call for teachers to connect learning to students’ real lives and emotional experiences, as well as combining strategies like problem based and mastery learning and considers learning styles of individual students. Opponents of brain-based learning strategies argue that neuroscience alone cannot provide usable knowledge that translates into positive teaching strategies (Clement & Lovat, 2008). However, teachers and researchers who are implementing, and testing BBL strategies, contend that a working knowledge of neural functioning is paramount as educators look for successful ways to address individual learning needs. Balil Duman ((2010) shares that several educators and brain researchers have conducted and produced research that reveals that individuals learn in different ways thus multi-dimensional teaching models should be used to transmit information to students. Caine and Caine (1994) relate that BBL is a way of thinking about the learning process and is a set of principles through which educators can make decisions about the learning process. Classrooms where BBL strategies are implemented include teacher devised environments that include orchestrated immersion, relaxed alertness, and encourages active processing as the teacher performs the duties of

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