Premium Essay

Personal Leadership Style


Submitted By anumary
Words 1210
Pages 5
Personal Leadership Style (AS IS)
Everyone wants to be a good leader in life. This paper reflects my personal thoughts on my leadership. Completing the questions under the nine components of Campbell’s leadership descriptor has helped me to understand what a good leader is. I will talk about how my experiences in different societal settings has helped in shaping my views on what a good leader is and how a good leader needs to understand the diverse nature of individuals in the world. According to King, Altman & Lee (2011), knowledge on leadership helps an individual find his/her way out of drift, or even avoid it altogether. Understanding my leadership profile has helped me work from a place of strength as well as understand gaps in my set of skills (King, Altman & Lee 2011). It was not until I Completed the leadership profile section in chapter five of the “discovering the leader in you” workbook that I was able to improve my self-awareness, understand my strengths and areas that I needed to work on.

Living and working in Nigeria where there is a lot of power distance and required acts of respect to elders (bosses, older people in ages and ranks), I learned to only deal with people with a high level of respect and fear. Respect in the sense that, you could not look at your elders or bosses in the eye, must always refer to them as “ma” or “sir”, cannot speak to them except you are asked to speak. Then, I came to the USA and it was an almost opposite experience. During my first year, it was hard adjusting (for instance, I once greeted a professor in an email with “good afternoon ma”, and she told me to refer to her by her name or the term professor). Let me put it this way; there was a bit of cultural difference and also culture shock. This little introduction is to give a background about my previous experience and me.
This has helped my

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