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Personal Narrative-The Abbotsford Air Show In Canada

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“One of my very first shows for the company was the Abbotsford Air Show in Canada and while it was a memorable show for many reasons it was my first time meeting Big Steve having time to speak with him, meaning sticking my foot right in my mouth which pretty much set the tone for our relationship over the years. During a break he and I were talking outside of one of the halls by ourselves and he asking me about myself and how I came to the company….. So being completely nervous talking to him I’m going on and telling him just about my ENTIRE life story up to that exact moment ( I can be wordy at times ) so at some point during all of my blabbering , Big Steve got a sentence in and asked me where I was from and so I told Brooklyn and then …show more content…
I would like to tell you all that I graciously took this in and continued our conversation without skipping a beat but that would be a total lie and I think in reality about a 50 hives popped out on my face from pure embarrassment and I’m pretty sure I just turned and ran away from him with my radio and RSI’s flapping in the wind leaving him laughing and shaking his head at me.”

“The first few years I was with the company I was one of the travelers and being based in the New York office, these were the only times that I really had the chance to see Big Steve other then the company meetings. One thing that struck me then and continued throughout the years was that Big Steve had an undeniable presence about him. He was the type of person that when he walked into a room, you actually could feel it and took notice. This was not just something I noticed because of our relationship, no I would watch with great interest how once Steve would step into a hall to walk the show floor, how everyone the would take notice and walk off their booths or excuse themselves and go seek him out to say hello and talk with

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