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Personal Narrative: Two Sides To A Story

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Two Sides to a Story

I believe that every voice should be heard, especially in stories because you gain knowledge and you start to understand the other sides of a story. When you are arguing with someone the things that I see in most people is sticking to their own side and that they don’t want to hear the other side of the person. Usually, most arguments are biased to some degree. I am not saying that I am perfect but I strive to learn both or multiple sides to a story so you can get all of the facts and opinions. From there you can make a decision on what you want to do. My friend who I thought was my friend, went behind my back and started to have a relationship with my recently broken up with girlfriend. His name is Will. I figured …show more content…
Best friends don’t lie to you. Best friends are always there for you exactly, whenever you need them they are there readily, and most of the time they are there for you urgently. He lied and as a result of that I stopped talking to him. Will didn’t like her because of her personality. Will didn’t like her because of how beautiful she was. Will didn’t like her because her smile made him smile. But I did. I loved everything little thing about her from her smile to her laugh and even the ways she acted around me. To see her get treated like shit made me feel extremely bad for her. But whenever I would ask what happened and if she was okay, she would become so pissed off at me. She didn’t talk to me for three days straight. I felt like I was falling into a hole that had no end. I didn’t and still don’t understand why she did that to me but I do know that she doesn’t care anymore. Finally, when she did say something about the situation I only heard bits and pieces of her story. Even though I got many stories from different people and lies from Will, I’ve learned that sometimes you can’t even trust your best friend. Always get the facts and try to see through the bias because sometimes when you find out the truth, it is what is best for you. That’s why I believe every voice should be

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