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Policy Implication and the Way Forward


Submitted By patpatwu
Words 3596
Pages 15
Asian J Gerontol Geriatr 2012; 7: 59–63

Policy implication and the way forward
WM Chan FHKAM(Community Medicine)
Elderly Health Service, Department of Health, Hong Kong


Correspondence to: Dr Wai Man Chan, Elderly Health Service, Department of Health, Hong Kong. E-mail:

ABSTRACT Care for the elderly was one of the 3 main policy objectives of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 1997. Many policy initiatives have been introduced in terms of financial support, better housing, and long-term care services. For active ageing, an innovative project known as the ‘Elder Academy’ aimed at promoting intergenerational cohesion, which is now under threat owing to changing social patterns. With the rapid increase in the number of ‘old-olds’, more resources on dementia care, community support, professional staff development, carer training, and coordination of care are necessary. In terms of financing, shared responsibility is the only viable option. In the 2012-13 budget speech, a pilot for community care service voucher as a means of promoting ageing at home was announced. As the coming cohorts of elders are more affluent and knowledgeable, they tend to be healthier and have different demands and expectations, such as independent living with better quality of life. The private sector may explore the markets of community care services and elder-oriented products. To meet the emerging needs, a holistic approach should be adopted, with modifications of the labour laws to make use of the talents of elders and to provide more flexible work arrangements for family members to care for elders.
Key word: Health services for the aged

AN UNFORESEEN SITUATION “Population ageing is first and foremost a success story for public health policies as well as social and economic development.”1 Population ageing is attributable to the

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