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Positive And Negative Effects Of American Imperialism

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Imperialism occurs when a strong nation takes over a weaker nation or region and dominates its economic, political, or cultural life. During the 1800s, grate Britain’s empire expanded to include India, other parts of Asia, and parts of Africa. Grate Britain’s colonial rule had political, economical and social causes and positive and negative effects on colonial empire as well.
Political ideals were a large part of imperialism. A great deal of these political ambitions came from nationalism. Reasons include expansion of borders, and the urge to become a stronger nation by becoming a larger one. The industrial revolution also gave British the advantage to create more reliable and strong weapons to gain control over another countries (document …show more content…
Transportation methods and communication were introduced to India, china and Africa by industrialized countries such as Great Britain. Telephones improved and rail roads, cars, trains, and postal networks. This was a positive effect because it boosted the economy, standard of living and the flow of information and people. Another benefit was that this countries and continents got to populate and production of goods increased. The population increased because of the better usage of hygiene, the increased amount of vaccinations and medicines available, and a larger food supply. Britain encouraged traveling herders to settle down and become farmers, teaching them about crop rotation so their lands would be fertile. Another positive effect is that some of the worst cultures got removed such as the cast system benefiting the untouchables,(document, 5, 6) are a good examples of imperialisms positivity by showing how British helped stop slavery, how they thought Africans responsibility and changed the life of Indians for the better. As much as British imperialism had positive sides it also had a negative on too. Countries and continents controlled by British were treated like they were a second class people in their own country, the opium war was one of the negative effect of imperialism causing the death of many Asians and additional to that most lad of china politically and economically was controlled by the British empire. Not to mention how many of the citizens were addicted to the opium drug wakening the man power that this certain country had. (Document 7,8) are some examples of imperialism showing how much advantaged the British’s have in Indians job world, how badly they were treated, discrimination, racial segregation towards Africans and the unavailability of health care for the colonized

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