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Prideful In Beowulf

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In Beowulf, Hrothgar believes that it is bad to be prideful and take credit for your accomplishments, On page 78, lines 1747-1752, Hrothgar says, "the Devil's dark urgings wound him, for he can't/ Remember how he clung to the rotting wealth/ Of this world, how he clawed to keep it, how he earned/ No honor, no glory, in giving golden/ Rings, how he forgot the future glory/ God gave him at his birth, and forgetting did not care.”. When Hrothgar says that, he is stating his own philosophy and his personal views on life. He is expressing how God has given everyone the things they have and you should give God credit for everything you have and everything you’ve accomplished in life. Personally I believe that it is in no way bad to be prideful of …show more content…
They may tell the person that what they’ve done wasn’t “that great” or they shouldn’t be “that happy about it”. I believe putting someone down for any reason, especially for being happy for themselves is an awful thing to do to someone. From past personal experiences, I believe there isn’t a worse feeling than when you’re excited about something and you get put down for being happy. Countless times I’ve been told to not be prideful and to stay humble. I believe being humble is always a good thing. I’m also not saying that bragging about your accomplishments is a good thing. It is in no way good to rub your achievements in other people’s faces. Sharing achievements with people is okay but boasting over your achievements isn’t. Boasting and bragging are two traits that are associated with pride. It is possible to be prideful without boasting. Let’s say, you have done something all of your friends have tried to do and they’ve all failed. You’re feeling happy and proud of yourself, but you know your friends are sad they haven’t done the same as you. If you were to keep telling them how you’ve done it and how they will never be able to do it as well as you have, that isn’t okay. However, If you were to tell them that you’ve done it in a humble way and possibly offer help to them that would be

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