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Submitted By Plun
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LIN 100/ANT 100-003


Date/ lesson | Topic | Read/Watch | Assignment(s) due | 1 1/28 | Introduction Course overview | * Intro: * What is language What do we want to know about language? | | 2 1/31 | What is language? What do we know about language and society? | * Yule, Chapter 1 * Language truths | Study questions – Yule, Chapter 1 | 3 2/4 | Animal communication and human language | * Yule, Chapter 2 | Yule chapter 2 study questions | 4 2/7 | Human language | * Corballis, “From Hand to Mouth” (located in course materials) | Class discussion questions | 4 2/11 | Phonetics Phonology | * Language and Linguistics (located in course material) * Yule, Chapter 3 | Yule study questions -- Chapter 3 | 5 2/14 | Phonetics Phonology | * Yule, Chapter 4 * Esling, “Everyone has an accent but me” | Study questions – Yule, Chapter 4 | 6 2/18 | Morphology Grammar | * Yule, Chapter 6 & 7 * | Yule Chapter 6 & 7 | 7 2/21 | Word formation | * Yule, Chapter 5 * | Classroom questions | 8 2/25 | Semantics | * Yule, Chapter 9 * Hooten, “Fighting words: The war over language.” | Yule study questions -- Chapter 9 | 9 2/28 | Grammar (prescriptive vs. descriptive) | * Simon, “Why good English is good for you” Video: Do You Speak American (prescriptivism vs. prescriptivism) | Classroom

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Explain the Factors a Prime Minister Considers When Appointing or Dismissing Ministers.

...source, a prime minister may choose to appoint those who have shown and proven that they can deliver in their departments. It says in the source that ‘the prime minister sees the second half of this parliament as the delivery phase’. This shows that a prime minister would want to put those in positions of power who have evidence showing that they are successful in the policies that they implement and can do this effectively. Therefore they would not want to promote, and would want to dismiss, those ministers that have not delivered and whose performance has been dissatisfactory. For example ‘Caroline Spelman’ is likely to be a victim of being sacked or demoted as she ‘has failed to recover from the fiasco of failed plans to sell off parts of the national forest’. Also suggested in the source is the fact that other influential politicians may have an effect on the prime ministers appointments or dismisses. It says ‘the appointment of Mitchell shows the influence of George Osborne, his close supporter’. Because George Osborne is the Chancellor of the Exchequer he would be an important MP, the fact that he supports another minister would encourage David Cameron to promote this minister. This influential minister may work particularly well, or agree on many policies with another politician. Equally if an important minister does not support another politician, or does not collaborate well with them, they are more likely to be dismissed. Another factor that the prime minister might...

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