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Prisons in the United States


Submitted By mcswain95
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GEO Group

Argument that private sector can handle prisons better and cheaper than the government

Somethings should not be for profit

Paper Topic: The Prison Industrial Complex [Name of Writer] [Name of Professor] [Course Title] [Date] Prison Industrial Complex Prison Industrial Complex – Origin and Establishment The term prison industrial complex ‘ refers to an American criminal justice system that has been substantially transformed by almost three decades of rapid growth and by the increasing importance of private interests in criminal justice policy


All these factors combined to provide an opening for private sector involvement in prison management and speculative prison building The third factor contributing in the transformation of the American corrections system can usefully be referred to as what Sir Leon Radzinowicz calls penal regression


the machinery of justice in a democratic society should never be cut off (Radzinowicz , 1991 ) In the American case , massively disproportionate incarceration rates among communities of marginalized peoples , a growing tolerance for violence as a means of social control , and the replacement of rehabilitation with punishment and warehousing as the system ‘s primary ethics , seem to be the main regressive tendencies Overcrowding of Jails That prison and jail crowding is a major national problem cannot be disputed


Beyond this there have been significant qualitative transformations however , the incarceration boom not only created a vast increase in demand for prison space , but also coincided with a long

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