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Progressive Case Study


Submitted By eviesidiropoulos
Words 374
Pages 2
Progressive Insurance

Assignment question:

1. What is Progressive’s business? a. . Insurance company—auto, home, motorcycle, renters, boat, etc. b. . Staying competitive with other insurance companies—low rates, great coverage, fast claims c. . Keeping customers by exceptional customer service d. . 24/7 communication with customers e. . Online and in-person services

2. What is critical to the success of the business? a. . Fast claim reports and payments b. . Thousands of response vehicles (IRV) c. . Communication between adjusters and headquarters d. . Communication between headquarters and customers e. . Low rates—keeping customers

3. How does Progressive’s use of hardware contribute to these success factors?

|Critical Success Factor |Type of Hardware |Contributions |
|Communication between |Laptops—part of a distributed |Customers can contact headquarters on a claim or an accident |
|headquarters, adjusters, |processing system with multiple |Dispatchers can track the locations of the IRVs and connect them|
|customers, policy holders, etc. |servers |to the accident |
| | |Agents at the scene can write up claim at the scene |
| | |Agents can communicate with headquarters and policy holders |
| | |instantly |
| | |Claims are reported and disputed quickly which can increase |

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