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Project Manager Requirement for Subcontractor Safety


Submitted By MHarding
Words 1497
Pages 6
Michael Harding
Professor Burgett
Fund of Constr. II
Week 6 Paper Assign



As a Construction Project Manager in any construction delivery method, there are many assessments and reviews for subcontractor’s submittals for safety, materials, equipment and performance. This paper will focus on the Project Management policy on cost-effective considerations for methods, safety and worker’s long term health hazards on the jobsite. For example, many mechanical contractors, depending on system design and specifications still must account for strict adherence to management policy for many jobsites. Factors considered, particularly for welding processes performed by a mechanical subcontractor alludes to several concerns. Such things as space, accessibility, ventilation, quantity and quality of welds, duration of toxic fumes and proximity of hazardous chemicals are a few. Also consideration for direct welder safety prevention equipment and long term effects are chief factors.
Also in this paper I will attempt to present cost-effective innovations in on-jobsite methods and processes. But it is important to note from the article written by Alistair Mutch (1998) “The Impact of Information Technology on Traditional Occupations: The Case of Welding, welding is an example of a manual craft occupation that, whilst subject to some change, has not been as dramatically affected by information technology as some analyst suggest.” For this reason, changes in welding safety may be limited. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT INTENT ON SAFETY As described in the text, Construction Operations Manual Policy and Procedures, Safety has become a real buzz word around the construction industry today and in the future. It certain has been used correctly in many circles. Unfortunately, it can become a

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