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Pros And Cons Of Being A Speaker Of The House

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Ivy Phillips

Republican representative Paul Ryan has said that he shall be running for Speaker of the House. According to Washington Post writer Chris Cillizza, Mr. Ryan has a very high chance of winning Speaker of the House. Cillizza has said that “The vote for speaker is, quite frankly, the easy part. There’s no policy at stake.” The problem what is will happen after the voting is done. Cillizza has also stated that “The speaker's vote, while the easiest of the challenges before Ryan, contains a kernel of the larger problems he is likely to face.” Even though the voting is almost guaranteed for Ryan, accepting the role of Speaker of the House is a huge deal. If Ryan gets elected, he will have to fill in Boehner’s shoes. This is going …show more content…
The Speaker’s job is to run the House of Representatives meetings that are held. Whenever it is time to elect a new speaker, anyone from either the Republican side or the Democrat side can run. In most cases, Incumbents have a higher chance of winning the elections. Incumbents are those who already have a spot in office. Speaker of the House candidate Ryan is an example of an Incumbent. Congress is divided up into two groups. The House and the Senate. The Senate is the smaller of the total of 535 members of Congress. With only 100 members. The House on the other hand holds the 435 members. Mr. Ryan is a well known member in the House of Representatives. From what America has gathered, Mr Ryan has a pretty good chance of becoming the next Speaker. He has been in the House for a while now and he is very well known. Even if Mr. Ryan has a very good chance of winning Speaker, he should know that he is expected to take over Mr. Boehner’s job. Boehner has been the Speaker for a very long time and since he is stepping down, a new person must take over. If Mr. Ryan wants to gain the votes for Speaker, he is going to have to prove to the other House members that he can become the next Boehner. The only way Mr. Ryan can not possibly win is by committing things such as scandal, or corruption. Most incumbents have usually been a victim of scandal at least a couple of times. President Nixon’s Watergate Scandal is a good example of that

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