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Proton Project


Submitted By aziraayu
Words 2729
Pages 11





PERUSAHAAN OTOMOBIL NASIONAL BERHAD or PROTON was incorporated on May 7, 1983 to manufacture, assemble and sell motor vehicles and related products, including accessories, spare parts and other components. PROTON produced Malaysia’s first car, the Proton SAGA which was commercially launched on July 9, 1985 by Malaysian Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad who conceived the idea of a Malaysian car.

PROTON was publicly listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) in 1992 and its shareholders include Khazanah Nasional Berhad, Petroliam Nasional Berhad, Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, Employee Provident Fund Board and other local and foreign investors.

Proton Holdings Berhad, through its subsidiaries, manufactures, assembles, and sells motor vehicles and related products primarily in Malaysia. It also involves in the importation, distribution, and wholesale of motor vehicle and related parts; development and management of properties, as well as provides engineering consultancy, after-sales services, financing, and vehicle engineering services.

Organization Chart
(YEAR 2009)


(Managing Director)

(Independent Non-Executive Director)

(Independent Non-Executive Director)

(Independent Non-Executive Director)

(Non-Independent Non-Executive Director)

(YEAR 2010)


(Managing Director)

DATO’ MICHAEL LIM HEEN PEOK (Independent Non-Executive Director)

MR. BEHARA VENKATA RAMA SUBBU (Independent Non-Executive Director)

(Independent Non-Executive Director)

(Non-Independent Non-Executive Director)
Products and Services

PROTON’s model products include WAJA, SATRIA, GTi, WIRA, ISWARA, ARENA, PERDANA V6, JUARA, PERSONA, GEN 2, SAVVY,SATRIA NEO, INSPIRA, SAGA and EXORA. The range of 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8 and 2.0 liter engines satisfies a wide spectrum of customers both locally and abroad.

PROTON is focusing to be more customer-oriented and by producing competitively priced and innovative products. It is therefore contributing to the Malaysia’s attainment of Vision 2020.

PROBLEM INDENTIFICATION * Approved Permit (AP) system * Controversies surrounding PROTON till date include the abuses and improprieties in the misconducts issue of approved permits (AP) for imported cars, entry of foreign cars at below-cost prices

* Quality Control and Vendor * PROTON was established 25 years ago by Tun Mahathir Mohamad as part of a determined national industrialization plan, but it has long been criticized for poor quality and unimpressive design. PROTON's major problem, as everybody knows, is quality control. * Overall poor quality vehicles by PROTON over the years and indirectly affecting the financial result of the company, when its sales decreased extremely and continuously losing market share and subsequently, the profit margin eroded significantly too. * PROTON’s Managing Director, Syed Zainal Abidin, was once quoted saying that 60 percent of deficiencies in PROTON cars were due to poor quality components from vendors, but admitted the rest of the blame fell on the firm’s workforce. * If the management is serious in bringing the PROTON back to a profitable entity, they should run it like a proper business and not as a charity organization, which means incompetent vendors and vendors which were being overlooked, contributing interruptions and downturn of sales performances and do not follow to the standard set must be removed and replaced.

* Staff and Management * Retaining its talent pool of staff and management was difficult. To retain a competitive advantage in term of skills-set and technical know-how in this industry, PROTON needs to ensure that their human capital is continuously encouraged with the right training and tools. Consistent and relevant training is important to ensure that their employees have the knowledge and tolls to help drive PROTON forward.

Question 1
From financial analysis perspective, has Proton management done a good job?

FINANCIAL ANALYSIS PROTON 1. LIQUIDITY RATIO | 2008 | 2009 | Current Ratio | 3446.1/1639.2= 2.10 Times | 3404.6/1883.6= 1.81 Times | Quick Ratio | ( 3446.1- 1100.3 )/1639.2= 1.43 Times | ( 3404.6-1395.1 )/1883.6= 1.07 Times |

2. CAPITAL STRUCTURE RATIO | 2008 | 2009 | Debt Ratio | 1872.1/7293.3= 25.67 % | 1997.3/7098.9= 28.14% |

3. ASSET MANAGEMENT EFFECIENCY RATIO | 2008 | 2009 | Total Asset Turnover | 5621.6/1293.3= 0.77 times | 6486./7098.9= 0.91 times | Fixed Asset Turnover | 5621.6/3847.2= 1.46 Times | 6486.6/3657.9= 1.77 Times | Average Collection Period | 1099.0/( 5621.6/365 days )= 71.36 Days | 1080.3/( 6486.6/365 days )= 60.79 Days | A/C Receivable Turnover | 5621.6/1099.0= 5.12 Times | 6486.6/1080.3= 6.00 Times |

4. ROFITABILITY RATIOS | 2008 | 2009 | Net Profit Margin | 184.6/5621.6= 3.28% | -301.8/6486.6= - 4.65 % | Return on Equity | ( 184.6/7923.3 ) x ( 1/0.75 )= 3.106% | ( -301.8/7098.9) x ( 1/0.72 )= -5.90 % |

| 2008 | 2009 | Dividend Payout Ratio Dividend Net Income | --- | (20.6) (301.8) = 6.826% |

CASH FLOW ANALYSIS PROTON | 2008 | 2009 | OPERATING CASH FLOW RATIO | -1842/1639.2= - 1.124 | -4740/1883.6= -2.516 | CASH FLOW MARGIN RATIO | -1842/5621.6= -32.77 % | -4740/6486.6= -73.07 % | FREE CASH FLOW | 184.6 + 489 – 1806.9 – 3150.4= -4283.7 | -301.8 + 434 – 1521 – 2827.1= -4215.9 |

Question 2
What characteristic should foreign partner have that will enable maximum synergies?

* Characteristic in partner selection is the understanding of potential partners' goals.
- A potential partner must have matching strategic objectives. A venture will not succeed if the objectives are in conflict.

* Co-operation within a partnership is common. * It will be effective if the partners share a strategic vision, follow compatible targets, and are all equal members in a predetermined organizational structure.

* Potential partners should also possess complementary skills. Each partner must contribute more than capital to the project, bringing other competencies into the venture. * One firm may bring technical skills and another may bring knowledge of the market. There are many skills that a firm can bring into the relationship: managerial expertise, production facilities, or access to limited resources.

* While the partners must offer complementary objectives and skills, both partners must believe that they can trust each other and that mutual commitment is a reality. * There are a variety of ways that a company can attain and sustain commitment and trust in cooperative ventures. Goal and intent exposure is a crucial step toward building trust.

* The perception of ownership is often used in this context to describe the emotional obligatory of the institutions and persons involved, which should ideally be with the partnership and not with other, outside organizations. * Thus the partnership should be able to bring together different actors in collaborative action as well as in collaborative efforts to effect change.

* Finance * Cost management has become all the more important in this challenging operating environment where lower demand has been impaired by the increased cost of raw materials and components. In view of this, PROTON continued to strengthen collaborations within Proton product planning and development, manufacturing assembly, procurement and cost control departments to minimize wastage while maximizing cost efficiencies. Proton cost efficiency measures the reduction of the Bill of Materials (BOM) cost such as in carrying out global sourcing for major material suppliers beyond Malaysia. * Proton has been identifying opportunities to tap into the supply chain of these major suppliers to gain the benefits of lower material costs. A part from that Proton also carried out development programs for their existing vendors to improve and expand manufacturing competency to include research and development capabilities. By reducing costs of product development outsourcing, the vendors will be able to offer competitive prices of parts and materials to Proton.

* Technology * In terms of quality, the Exora is PROTON’s first model to breach the 80% CFC (Concern Free Car) level, continuing the uptrend which started with the Persona (at 31.8% CFC level) and was conclusively bettered by the Saga, which recorded an amazing CFC level of 77.8%. * The success of the Exora will contribute positively to the Group’s bottom-line in the near future, and to sustain long-term growth, Proton will continue to take the next increase forward in terms of creativity, innovation and quality when it comes to introducing new products, both in the local and international market.

* Production and Culture & Organization * Proton can collaborate with others company and this will reduce the production cost such as, they can share their profit, expenses, assemble line and others. Proton need to understand and learn the others culture and their organization for achieved the collaboration target.
Question 3
What board consideration should determine the part of proton that are worth keeping and developing and the matter of operation to be relocated or closed down?

* For the model of Proton that they stop to produce it, may be have a few company or industry that still need it or want to use it. For an example, the model Arena that suitable in retailing industry among the sole proprietorship business. So the company may promote this model to the market that need it in their industry in order to sole out the unit that already over produce by Proton if they have. * Besides that, if Proton still have the unit that they over produce, they can sell the unit with the scrap value or at least at the cost price. It is to ensure, every single of unit that Proton produce still bring money to Proton event though a scrap value. * However, for the potential model that still have a demand of proton, they should improve their quality in order to fulfill the demand from costumer. Proton also can relocated their plan to have a proper research and development to improve their old model unit to the new one based on the complaint by the public. * For the model that did not have a potential to enter the market niche, it’s better for Proton stop or close down their operation. It is because every single operation that did not brings profitable to Proton, it will occur a cost. For an example, at lease Proton need to pay the utilities cost for the operation and by stop the operation that did not brings anything, it will reduce the cost of Proton. * In order to utilize everything without occur loss, a part of Proton that are worth keeping, they can try to produce something new that can attract the costumer to experiences itself. For an example, the steel of proton unit that still did not use, they also can try to change it to become an accessories part for a new unit that produces by Proton.

Question 4
From review of the 2009 National Automotive policy, are there areas of possible collaboration with Proton short of a full merger/takeover?


Strengths * Competitively priced products * Extensive nationwide distribution network * Good corporate governance * Influence of patriotism as Proton is national car-maker * Government support | Weaknesses * Reputation of poor product performance and functionality * High cost to expand their operation by advanced technology * Short history in automotive industry * Vulnerable to increasing material cost (steel, etc.) | Opportunities * High demand on the products * Opportunity to grow their business globally * R&D Development * Government support * After-sales services * Collaborations within automotive industry | Threats * Competitors - local & international brands * A lot of substitute products in market * Fast changing and advanced engineering technology * Economic downturn – decrease of car sales |

PROTON lacks an engine or platform to develop into the SUV and MPV markets, or the 2.0-litre and above segments. PROTON may need to collaborate with a foreign partner such as Volkswagen or Lotus in working together to develop new engines and technologies. It is of some relief, therefore, to learn that the Government is still willing to consider a strong strategic foreign partner in the future. A connection with a strong foreign brand will qualify PROTON to enter more perceptive markets.

In the longer term, many of the green engine technologies that are developing as a result of rising fuel prices and global warming would command the direction of automotive development, and these are outside PROTON abilities.

In examining the collaboration, it is useful to access the form and timing further liberalization might take because it is more rely to National Automotive Policy (NAP). The government should consider staged removal of the AP System and government will announce the new NAP. For example, it is the opportunity for Proton to be sole distributer to sell and market imported cars. On tops of Proton sell their owned car, Proton also can sell the imported car and it is one of the strategies to increase revenue.

The rates of excise and import duties remain largely unchanged. On 2009, NAP they even don’t change so much on the rate of excess duties. Proton car price and the component is remaining the same and the price can’t be reducing and it is not competitive. Proton will see the plan of the NAP 2014.

Proton can share their manufacturing facilities for the assembly line and need to adjust the assemble line for other company to use. For example, having the external company want to manufacturing car in Malaysia they no need to build the plant. They can share the same plant with Proton.

Proton might be interested to joint venture manufacturing of critical and high value added parts component. This is possible collaboration can Proton used it.
Question 5
What other information not include in the case could help consultant Saiful Alawi make a more meaningful recommendation? Why?

* Proton should review on their budget plan for the future for 5 years. From this budget we can reveal the proton strength and weaknesses to maintain their operational business as a national automotive industry in Malaysia. For an example, Proton should give a consideration to provide a 5 years warranty to costumer. It not shows the product of Proton is not good, but to give a trusted to the costumer that our product is strength enough as the customer choice to be. * Besides that, Proton also should identify the indicator of extent of proton willingness foreign partnership or collaboration. It is to obtain more information from the expert existing in automotive industry. This information of technology can be used to improve of Proton car and to satisfy the Proton user in future. * Proton also should review the automotive industry intelligent. Its mean, proton should get their status currently to the automotive analyses. It is to look from the expert perspective on the market of Proton and their sustainability as part of the world. * Last but not least, Proton should look on the possibility Proton operation and making comparison with other country such as India, Thailand and others. It is give clear situation on what factor that Proton should have according to enhance their business. Besides that, Proton also can improve their productivity based on the operation that been appraised in that country.

PROTON as the first Malaysian car manufacturer has established a very strong identification in the Malaysia automotive market. However, the consumers supposed that it has not delivered what is promised and expected. As a result, PROTON is unable to create positive response in the head and heart of its consumers. PROTON still has great potential and capacity to perform better in offering its customers products and services of best quality.
The new concept of Proton MPV Exora 2 is hope that the boosted and new brand images and recommendations will be able to help PROTON establish a positive response in the consumers’ memory which will lead the company to achieve its vision of becoming a Life Confidant for its consumer. This will finally enhanced and strengthen it sources of brand equity in order to compete gaining.
Based on its recent performance, PROTON has really working very hard to live up its working idea of producing the right car at the right time, for the right market, at the right price.

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