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Psychology of Learning


Submitted By DontGetCaught
Words 976
Pages 4
Psychology of Learning


My paper is going to tell you a story about a woman named Eva and her animosity towards cheese. Yes, I said cheese. We are going to look through different learning perspectives on how her informal learning experience has brought her to this behavior. We will look at each of these perspectives and how they may have led her to this path of a cheeseless existence. I will answer the questions of how does one get to this point. Who can go their whole life without cheese? How does the smell of one tasty, bold, flavorful food bring behaviors such as mouthwatering hunger to one and mouthwatering, I think I am going to vomit to another. How do we acquire such different behaviors than others toward the same thing?

Psychology of Learning

Through life, we pick up feelings toward certain things, negative or positive emotions. We pick up negative or positive behaviors along the way. Some may be behaviors we wish we did not have, some we may even wish we could discontinue. There are behaviors and feelings we are not even sure where or when we picked them up. I am going to give you an example of behavior one woman picked up at a young age and, still to this day in her 50's cannot escape it. I will go over her informal learning experience through a series of different learning perspectives and, see if we can figure out how this behavior began. The behavior we will take a look at as an example will be that of a woman named Eva and her animosity towards cheese. Her mind is so strongly set on her dislike of cheese that if she is near it or even smells it, Eva will begin to feel her mouth water. She then feels the effects of vomit moving up

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