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Psycology 140


Submitted By LiLMizz25
Words 2175
Pages 9
Module 5 Homework Assignment
PSY140: Introduction to Psychology
November 21st 2011

1. Define cognition and name the basic units of thinking. Cognition is defined as mental processes of perceiving, believing, thinking, remembering, knowing, and deciding. Concepts are the basic units of thinking. Concepts are general categories of things, events and qualities that are linked by a common feature or features, in spite of their differences. Which help us make sense of information in the world. Concepts also enhance our memory and guide our behavior. Lahley, Benjamin B. / Psychology an Introduction/ 9th Ed.

2. How is language learned and how does it relate to thinking? Language is learned so early that it is difficult to explain how it is managed. Some psycholinguists have proposed that language is learned by special genetically programmed procedures that are unique to language learning. Others contend that the general analytic capacity of the human brain is such that even complex language rules can be worked out without any innate knowledge or special language acquisition procedures. Regardless of which view is correct, experience with one’s native language must be critically important. Narrative skill differences are connected to the way that mothers converse with their children. If they use an elaborative style, engaging in lengthy discussions about children’s past experiences, providing lots of details, asking questions and encouraging children to provide details as well, their children’s narratives tend to be more adequate and informative. An interesting twist is that mothers who engage their children in this kind of high-quality narrative practice also have children who remember past events in their own lives better. In my opinion all this is true, I have 2 nieces one who is three years old and one who is two years old. My

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