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Submitted By Yukaria
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Custard Pudding Recipe

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Prep time
10 mins
Cook time
10 mins
Total time
20 mins Serves: Serves 4
* 1 cup (240ml) milk * 3 eggs * 3 Tbsp. sugar * ½ tsp. vanilla
For caramel sauce: * 3 Tbsp. water * 1 ½ Tbsp. sugar * 1 ½ Tbsp. water (adding later)

Instructions 1. Cover the lid with kitchen cloth to prevent the water dripping onto custard pudding from condensation. Fill the large skillet with water about 1 inch height and start boiling water.

2. Combine eggs and sugar in a medium bowl and whisk very well.

3. Add milk and vanilla and whisk all together.

4. Run the mixture through a fine sieve and divide the mixture into individual ramekins.

5. Once water is boiling, turn the heat to low and place the ramekins into the skillet gently. Cover with the lid and steam the custard pudding for 10 minutes.

6. Turn off the heat but do not open the lid. Steam with remaining heat for another 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, let it cool on wire rack. When it’s room temperature, move to refrigerator to chill.

7. Before serving, make caramel sauce. Place 3 Tbsp. water and sugar in a small saucepan over medium low heat and stir until sugar has dissolved.

8. When sugar has dissolved, increase the heat to high and swirl the saucepan once in awhile to caramelize evenly. The mixture will start to bubble. It will take some time for the mixture to turn from a light amber color to a dark amber color.

9. When the mixture turns to a desired brown color, add 1 ½ Tbsp. water. The mixture will bubble vigorously, so be careful. Whisk the mixture and turn off the heat.

10. Set aside to cool completely. If the caramel is too hard after cooling, reheat it and add more water. Pour the caramel sauce over the custard pudding and serve.

Matcha and White Chocolate Truffles

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Prep time
30 mins
Cook time
0 min
Total time
30 mins Serves: Makes 20 - 25 truffles
* 150 g high quality white chocolate * 100 ml liquid cream "medium/coffee cream" (at least 25% fat) * 2 heaped teaspoons matcha * A couple of tablespoons each: cocoa, ground almonds and dessicated coconut
Buy Blanched Almonds for Holiday Baking.
Mandelin California Almonds Instructions 1. Break the chocolate into small pieces. Put into a small pan with matcha and cream. 2. Let the chocolate melt on a very low heat, constantly stirring. 3. Pour into a food processor and mix until very smooth. 4. Transfer the mixture into a container, close tightly with a lid and refrigerate until the ganache has thickened (at least 3 hours or it can also stay in the fridge overnight or even for several days). 5. Prepare small, deep bowls with the coatings you have chosen. 6. Run your hands under cold water every five or six truffles and clean them quickly with a paper towel. Your hands shouldn't be too warm, otherwise the ganache melts and truffles are impossible to form. 7. Dust the inside of your hands with the chosen coating, quickly form a truffle, but using only the fingers (the palm of your hand is always much warmer), put it into a bowl with coating and, moving the bowl, coat the truffle thoroughly. 8. Repeat until you want to switch to another coating. 9. Place the truffles on a plate or in paper cases and refrigerate a couple of hours before serving or before offering them.

10. The truffles should always be kept in the fridge (it can be the warmest part, but the fridge is obligatory).

TIPS: * During the chocolate melting process, keep a very low heat, stir constantly and do not let it boil. * While forming the truffles, make sure your hands are not too warm, running cold water on them from time to time and rolling the truffles between your fingers and not on the palm of your hand (which is warmer). * The truffles should be kept in the fridge (it can be the warmest part of the fridge), so make sure you say it while offering a box to someone.

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