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Questioning The Truth In History Is Written By Walter Benjamin

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How do you know when you should question the truth? It can be altered at moment in our lives, like playing a game of telephone, the sentence comes around to its original person, and never the same as it was in the beginning of the game. One of the most famous quotes said by Walter Benjamin is “History is written by the victors”. Being true because of the people of the past who have experience it, and tell it as they remember it, at times over exaggerating there part in history or even the situation. One can never know what exactly happened in history. In 1984, written by George Orwell, there world was being controlled and change whenever they felt it was needed, or they altered their truth to make it sound better than it really was. Many people have known this as the Ben Trovato effect when you have a statement, but change it to your liking, stating something false but ad How do you know when you should question the truth? …show more content…
One of the most famous quotes said by Walter Benjamin is “History is written by the victors”. Being true because of the people of the past who have experience it, and tell it as they remember it, at times over exaggerating there part in history or even the situation. One can never know what exactly happened in history. In 1984, written by George Orwell, there world was being controlled and change whenever they felt it was needed, or they altered their truth to make it sound better than it really was. Many people have known this as the Ben Trovato effect when you have a statement, but change it to your liking, stating something false but adding true statements to it. This happens many times in our daily

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