Premium Essay

Recommendation Report


Submitted By olivia1525
Words 5776
Pages 24

Prepared for:
Delta Air Line Executives

Prepared by:
Olivia Wan
April 16, 2013

STRENGTHS 1 Frequent Flier Program 1 Baggage System 2 SkyTeam 3
WEAKNESSES 3 Treatment of Delayed Passengers 3 Ticket Over-Sales 4
OPPORTUNITY 5 Entertainment 5
THREATS 5 Competition 5 Unexpected Weather 6
RECOMMENDATIONS 6 Customer Survey 7 Increase Promotions 8 Customer Service Training Program 9
ILLUSTRATIONS 4,5 Figure 1 …4 Figure 2 5


Delta has a very strong frequent flyer program that serves and benefits customers. Also, Delta has made an improvement into baggage system to limit miss handle baggage. Such improvement strengthens the company and allows gaining more trust in customer services. Within the last several years, Delta joined in the SkyTeam program, which provides more destinations that customers can choose from, at the same time they will also get the benefit from the frequent flyer program by traveling other airlines within the SkyTeam program.
Airline industry is the kind of industry that provides service to customer. However, Delta have not yet meet their goal to better service it customers. Customers have complaint about their treatment toward the delayed due to the aircraft problem. Also, the over sales ticket have brought down Delta customer service image. As the result, customers have lost trust in Delta toward it services.
Delta provides all different kind of entertainment in flight for customers. Include latest movies, popular TV shows, an extensive music library, video games, and on select flights live satellite TV. Delta also provides Wi-Fi on domestic flight for customers to keep in touch with their family and the world. However,

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