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Referral Process

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The Referral Process A student must be referred and evaluated to be considered for special education services. Parents or legal guardians of the student are involved in each stage of the process and are given a copy of procedural safeguards, which summarized state and federal requirements for special education services. Once an evaluation is completed, the results are presented in an ARD meeting within 30 days of the time the written report was completed. The ARD committee discusses the results and an Individualized Education Plan or IEP is developed. Annual goals are set, placement is determined, and any accommodations are considered at this time.
The Role of the Principal
The principal is responsible for implementing any and all decisions made in an ARD or Admission, Review, Dismissal meeting, even if he/she designates an administrative assistant in his/her place. The principal must assure that educational decisions are made in the best interest of the child, and decisions further meet federal and state guidelines; as well as district and campus policies.
The Importance of FAPE
FAPE or Free Appropriate Public Education is a required component of The Individual with Disabilities Act or …show more content…
The hearing is completed as part of an Admission, Review, Dismissal or ARD meeting which reviews all of the information related to the disciplinary actions taken by the school district. The hearing must decide if the student’s conduct was a direct result of the school district’s failure to follow with the child’s Individualized Education Plan or IEP. If the committee decides that it was in response to a student’s disability then the student cannot be expelled or placed in an alternative program unless the committee modifies or changes the student’s placement as part of his/her Behavioral Intervention Plan or

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