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Regulation and Compliance


Submitted By cabbagex45
Words 1142
Pages 5
Article/Case Law Search
Tina Thomas
HCS/430 - Legal Issues in Health Care: Regulation and Compliance
February 28, 2011
William Bross

Article/Case Law Search The main function of the anti trust law in health care is to help keep the industry competitive and open so that any means of delivery service that are new or any new financing of health care services are able to compete for the acceptance by any purchasers. By developing these arrangements helps the competition such as providers, insurers, and any others and this is important to help prevent the fixing of prices, and any other agreements that may be allocated among the competitors. By enforcing the anti trust laws federally has helped to facilitate the delivery of health care systems that is efficient and has helped to challenge any efforts of any anticompetitive providers in health care delivery. Anti trust laws are a body of laws that help to prohibit any anti competitive behavior and any business practices that are unfair. These laws are made to help encourage competition in the workplace. These anti trust laws make many practices illegal and they may hurt consumers and businesses and can violate ethical behavior standards. In order to prevent failure within the market there are regulators along with candidates that are private which helps to apply the anti trust laws. These anti trust laws are supposed to help produce prices that are low and also make services and good better. These laws continue to be a concern for hospitals, organizations, and health care delivery. These laws have been designed on a federal and a state level to help with preserving all systems in the market to prohibit activities that are anticompetitive. There are anti trust suits that have been challenged contracts, denials or terminations of medical staff and actions regarding organizations within the health care delivery

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