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Submitted By Mcpwnd
Words 2183
Pages 9
For L18: 8.19, 21.4, 11.1 , 6.13, 10.9, 11.3, 3.16 For L19: 11.3, 8.9, 8.1, 8.2, 4.3 For L20: 8.8, 8.3, 8.4, 8.7 For L22: 8.7, 8.8 and 11.17 For L23: 4.16, 8.8, 10.4, 11.10, 11.17, 11.18 For L24: 27.1, 27.2, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.12 For L25: 8.1, 8.11, 8.12, 8.13 For L26: 8.12, 8.13, 8.14, 8.15 and 27.3 For L27: 8.12, 8.13, 8.15 and 27.3 For L28: 27.3, 27.4, 27.5, 27.9, and 27.15 For L29: 27.7, 27.8, 27.15, 27.16 and 27.17 Exam 3 (11/9/15) Supplemental Reading: 26.4 (Hypothalamus and Pituitary glands) 27.6 (Menstrual cycle)

For each question below you need to be able to write a paragraph answer that is clear, accurate and detailed and in many cases draw, label and explain an answer with detail, clarity and accuracy, or create a detailed accurate table. Have someone who will give you honest feedback read your paragraphs and listen to your explanations for clarity, especially those that you are having trouble with. Check your notes and book for accuracy, or have someone who knows confirm you are accurate. To confirm you have enough detail, make sure you use all of the terms that follow each question in your paragraph and in your drawing and explanation. If you are missing or incorrectly use one term in ten that is a grade of A-, two terms in ten is a B, three terms in ten is a C, and if you miss or incorrectly use more than four terms in ten you are headed for failing the exam and need to study more. Before the exam you need to be able to write and draw these answers from memory. What you can do on your own is what counts in the end. You must do this work in your own words without looking at your notes to get the most benefit. If you are just copying from your notes or the book, you are not learning the material. The point of this work is to use the information you have learned in new ways. This forms more synapses in

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Cell Reproduction

...Cell Reproduction Introduction Cellular reproduction is the process by which cells duplicate their contents and then divide to yield two cells with similar, if not duplicate contents. Life as we know it depends on the ability of cells to store, retrieve and translate the genetic instructions required to make and maintain a living organism. In this assignment, I will discuss two different types of cell reproduction, mitosis and meiosis and, include the different stages required in order for the reproduction to take place. Mitosis Mitosis is a process by which a cell divides to form two daughter cells and produces an almost carbon copy of the parent cell. The daughter cells will consist of the same number and type of chromosomes as the parent cell and will be identical to each other. Although cell division is the defining characteristic of mitosis, a number of events must take place during mitosis prior to the splitting of the cell. There are four phases that constitute the period in which cells make preparation for cell division. The four phases are prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Prophase, the first stage of mitosis during which the chromosomes become shorter, thicker and consist of two chromatids. At this time, the chromosomes are still enclosed in the cell nucleus within the nuclear envelope. The chromosomes also contain a centromere, which is necessary in later phases for attachment to microtubules for migration. Late in prophase, kinetochores...

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