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Roger Taney Case Study

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FREDERICK, Md. — In 1801, Roger Brooke Taney, the politically minded child of a Maryland tobacco grower, settled here to provide legal counsel. He wedded the sister of Francis Scott Key, won decision to the State Senate and worked his approach to Washington, where he found a fantasy work: Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Taney (purported TAW-knee) is covered in a memorial park here; the house he possessed is presently a historical center; and for a long time, his bronze bust, with stern eyes and angular nose, has looked out on the yard of what is currently City Hall. For around 40 of those years, seeing that bust has made Willie Mahone, a nearby legal advisor, need to heave.

As an African-American who went to isolated Alabama schools, …show more content…
In an up to this point unprofitable push to satisfy the board's desire that the statue not be "stuck in somebody's loft," the chairman's office has been scouring the nearby scene for somebody, anybody, willing to freely show a 30-inch bust of an attacked boss equity. The city will likewise toss in the four-foot-high stone base — and will pay the moving expenses.

The Historical Society of Frederick County, which works the Roger Brooke Taney House and another exhibition hall, said no; it as of now has a Taney bust. The notable Coast Guard cutter Taney, which is docked in Baltimore, was not intrigued, nor was the graveyard where Taney was covered. The Supreme Court Historical Society in Washington appears to be too far away, the chairman said. (The court has a Taney bust, as well.)

A craftsman, Jimmy Smith, 60, a grandson of the artist, put his hand up. In any case, similar to the others, he is willing just to give the bust another home — not to put it on general visibility. He stresses it would get stolen, or more

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