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Role of Police


Submitted By rcgollan
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Q3. The main role of the police has always been one of maintaining public order. Discuss.
While the main roles and functions of police have evolved and developed over time the major responsibility of maintaining public order has remained the primary role. There are many varied roles and positions within the police however it seems there is a shared focus on maintaining public order. This is evident through all of the eras of policing and portrayed through a number of incidents, events and periods of time. A small sample of these will be used throughout this essay to depict the main role of police at different stages.
Public order regulation is defined as the policing of behaviour in public places, maintaining public order and can also be done through crime control and prevention (White & Perrone 2010: 225). Maintaining public order through various methods of crime control, crime prevention, order maintenance and regulation is evident in the functions of every era of policing (Broadhurst & Davies 2009: 47). Police are often required to conduct public order surveillance, intervention and monitoring at major public events for example sporting events, parades such as Mardi Gras, strikes, funerals or marches (White & Perrone 2010: 289). Upholding public order can also extend to policing domestic violence and other disputes (White & Perrone 2010: 289). The above outlines of the functions through all of the eras of policing reinstate that maintaining public order is a priority function for Australian police.
Controlling human behaviour is a large responsibility of the Australian police and one aspect of public order maintenance. Controlling social behaviour is a way for police to maintain public order and is essential for societies to live and grow (Bryett, Harrison & Shaw 1994). Most people in society obey laws willingly and the role of the police is to enforce the laws upon those who disregard them in order to have a functioning society (Bryett, Harrison & Shaw 1994). Maintaining public order is often a difficult task for police but one of essentiality in order to uphold a safe and reasonably fair society for all of its members.
Visibility of police is another public order tactic used in all of the eras of policing. Police visibility, presence on the streets, house calls, foot patrols, car patrols and police crackdowns are proven to reduce public disorder and give a sense of security (Salmi, Voeten, & Keskinen 2000: 434-435). Tactics for visibility identified by Broadhurst & Davies throughout all the eras include foot patrols, surveillance and preventative patrols (2009: 48). Police visibility and presence creates a sense of security and a deterrent for possible offenders to upset public order.
Crime hotspots (areas of high crime intensity) are another method of crime reduction aiming to maintain public order and are associated with the tactic of police visibility. The considerable shift towards greater monitoring and presence in hotspots is known as problem-orientated policing, with the aim to reduce the problem by patrolling before public disorder occurs (Ratcliffe 2004: 6).
Moving on crowds of rioters and protestors in the interests of public order is a difficult function police often perform. Having police perform this role comes with issues specific to every situation that often are unavoidable. Issues can arise with police performing this role such as concerns with multiculturalism or claims of racism, unequal or unfair treatment and lack of knowledge or understanding of reasons. An example of this is the incident of Aboriginal protestors in Musgrave Park in early 2012. Police were required to move on the protestors on from the park in order to maintain public order (Vonow 2012). The Aboriginal protestors felt there was an unnecessary force with high numbers of police moving them on when they simply saw themselves as undertaking a ‘peaceful’ protest (Vonow 2012). The event was linked to claims of racism and unfair treatment of Aboriginal people (Vonow 2012). Similar incidents of riots or protestors cause concern for police in their responsibility of upholding public order and come with varied specific issues.
Protesting that surrounds the G20 Summit is another large-scale international example of police exercising their role of maintaining public order. Location aside the G20 Summit always brings urban disorder and raises the issue for police of how large crowds should be controlled and policed (Hogget & Stott 2012: 174). Hogget and Stott suggest that police may be considered too powerful in these circumstances (2012: 175). Recommendations were made introducing the concept of evidence-based policing where police practices should only be based on scientific evidence of what works best in policing public order (Hogget & Stott 2012: 175). The G20 Summit is another example of police exercising their main role to preserve public order, similarly to other occasions the G20 Summit is not without its individual issues.
After analysis and discussion it is evident that through history and within all eras of policing one main role for police has always been to maintain public order for the general benefit of society and its members. Public order can be covered by various concepts of policing and is targeted through several tactics. Police visibility, controlling crime hotspots, moving people on and subduing riots or protestors are all carried out with the aim of upholding public order. Monitoring protests in Musgrave Park is a local example and policing the G20 Summit is an international example of the role of police in preserving public order. Throughout the eras the functions, roles and tactics have not varied far from the overarching important role of Australian police to maintain public order.
Broadhurst, R & Davies, S 2009, Policing in Context, Oxford, Victoria.
Bryett, K, Harrison, A, Shaw, J 1994, An Introduction to Policing: The Role and Functions of Police in Australia, Butterworths.
Hogget, J & Stott, C 2012, ‘Post G20: The Challenge of Change, Implementing Evidence-based Public Order Policing’, J. Investigative Psychology Offender Profiling, Vol. 9 pp. 174–183. Viewed 20 August 2012, Wiley Online Library.
Ratcliffe, J 2004, ‘The Hotspot Matrix: A Framework for the Spatio-Temporal Targeting of Crime Reduction’, Police Practice and Research, Vol. 5, pp. 05–23, viewed 23 August 2012, Taylor and Francis Online.
Salmi, S, Voeten, M & Keskinen, E 2000, ‘Relation between Police Image and Police’, Journal of Community + Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 10, pp. 433-447, viewed 23 August 2012, Wiley Online Library.
Vonow, B 2012, ‘Aboriginal protest sweeps city as police clear 'Brisbane Sovereign Embassy' from Musgrave Park’, Couriermail, 16 May, viewed 20 August 2012,
White, R & Perrone, S 2010, Crime, Criminality & Criminal Justice, Oxford, Victoria.

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