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Submitted By deeptipalija
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Pages 2
This is the robot that started the cleaning revolution. Roomba brings robotic technology to the everyday chores of sweeping and vacuuming. With the touch of a button, Roomba collects dirt, pet hair and other debris from all areas of the floor, including under and around furniture and along wall edges.
Founded in 1990 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology roboticists, iRobot designs and builds some of the world’s most important robots. iRobot’s home robots are revolutionizing the way people clean – inside and out. More than 8 million home robots have been sold worldwide, with the award-winning iRobot Roomba floor vacuuming robot leading the charge. iRobot’s combat-proven defense and public safety robots perform multiple missions – on the land and in the water. More than 5,000 have been delivered to military and civil defense forces worldwide, performing thousands of dangerous search, reconnaissance and bomb-disposal missions while protecting those in harm’s way. With two decades of leadership in the robot industry, iRobot remains committed to building robots that improve the quality of life and safety standards worldwide.
More than 8 million home robots sold worldwide.
More than 5,000 iRobot unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) delivered worldwide.

2011 iRobot launches the Scooba 230 floor washing robot. iRobot launches Roomba® 700 series vacuum cleaning robots.

2010 iRobot celebrates 20 years of making a difference. iRobot co-sponsors National Robotics Week. iRobot Seaglider helps monitor Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

2009 iRobot launches SPARK education initiative.

2008 iRobot expands into maritime robots. iRobot launches the Roomba® pet series and professional series vacuum cleaning robots. iRobot wins contract to develop LANdroid communication robot.

2007 iRobot launches the Create programmable mobile robot. iRobot launches the Verro pool cleaning robot. iRobot launches the Looj gutter cleaning robot.

2006 iRobot launches the Dirt Dog shop sweeping robot.

2005 iRobot launches the Scooba floor washing robot. iRobot stock begins trading on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange.

2004 iRobot wins contract to develop Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle (SUGV).

2002 iRobot launches the Roomba® floor vacuuming robot.
The iRobot PackBot is deployed with U.S. troops for the first time. iRobot and the National Geographic Society develop a robot that searches the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

The iRobot PackBot searches at the World Trade Center after the September 11 terrorist attacks.

1998 iRobot wins DARPA contract to build a tactical mobile robot, leading to development of iRobot PackBot.
iRobot develops Ariel, a robot that detects and eliminates mines in surf zones.

1991 iRobot develops Genghis, a robot designed for space exploration.

MIT roboticists Colin Angle, Helen Greiner and Rodney Brooks co-found iRobot

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Embracing Big Brother: How Facial Recognition Could Help fight Crime - Cnn.Com

...Embracing big brother: How facial recognition could help fight crime - 2014-09-16, 10:03 AM It looks like you are from Canada. Would you like to make International your default edition? SET EDITION: U.S. TV: CNN CNNi INTERNATIONAL CNN en Español MÉXICO HLN ARABIC Yes | No Sign up Close Log in Home TV & Video U.S. World Politics Justice Entertainment Tech Health Living Travel Opinion iReport Money Sports WATCH CNN: Defense Secretary Hagel testifies to Senate about ISIS threat. Part of complete coverage on Make, Create, Innovate Embracing big brother: How facial recognition could help fight crime By Jim Stenman, CNN updated 9:04 AM EST, Tue November 26, 2013 | Filed under: Innovations SHARE THIS Print Email Recommend More sharing 5.3k Part of complete coverage on Make Create Innovate 'Electronic sketch artist' fights crime Turn your kitchen into an orchestra STORY HIGHLIGHTS Soon, you could pay for goods simply by showing your face to a scanner Government agencies are keen to use the technology, with the stated aim of fighting crime The FBI will roll out advanced facial recognition technology across the U.S in 2014 Critics warn of the "compromising" risks of giving intimate information away updated 12:09 PM EDT, Wed September 3, 2014 (CNN) -- From fighting terrorism to processing payments in the blink of an eye, facial recognition is set to change our ideas on privacy. A number of...

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