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Sabor Inc


Submitted By yoga1113
Words 952
Pages 4
Case 3-3 Southeastern University
Name: Yanchen Liu/Yu Wang/Yang Zhang/Yi-Chieh Chen/ Wenmin Huang/Zishu Lin
Group: 2
Date: 09/03/15

SITUATION: 1. Ray soles,vice president of supply chain management at Sabor Inc,ganna sign long-term contracts about the supply of marconil and ganna try to access advisability of such commitment. 2. Sabot inc,produced high-quaility consumer and industrial air-conditioning and heating units,and the air conditioning needs the marconil as the material. 3. Marconil,a high-tech raw material for air filtration,had potential shortage and also stated increase significantly as a per-centage of total sales..
Current situation: * There are three suppliers including …….. * The population became more and more cared about the air quality. * Compared to other filters,the marconial air cleaning was more efficitient,which means the marconial can be replaced every six months.when combied with ultraciolet lightm,the marconial air cleaning was considered a hugh leap forward. IT cost 28 percent of selling price. * The air filtration sales became more and more frofitable,also excess the company’s forecasting. * Purchased folding machine had not been installed. * The number of similar cases is nearly 275 each year. * The current price of marconial was 50. * Bilt chemical proposed five year contract,25000 pounds for current year,20 percent annual increases.Warton Inc.proposed two year contract similar price.G.K.specialties provides 12.5 percemt of requirements,can be droopped at any time,but price is 56 dollors for current year. * Ray did now the manufacturing process,heard the marconial ,but the price will become more expensive and the two of three material for marconial is stable and there maybe a new material to substitute the marconial. * The bilt

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