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Sample Annotated Bibliography in Apa Style


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Sample Annotated Bibliography in APA Style
(Based on Publication Manual, 5th ed. 2001 and APA Style Guide to Electronic References, 2007)
Karin Durán, Ph.D.

The following annotated bibliography is one possible, general example. Students should be alert and adhere to specific requirements that might vary with each professor’s assignment or to the course subject discipline.
APA now requires the use of the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), if the DOI is known, in place of the “Retrieved on…” statement with the database name or web address

Acuña, R. (1996). Anything but Mexican : Chicanos in contemporary Los Angeles. New York : Verso.
Provides a focused perspective on the role of the Chicana in the workforce and education through the use of historical documents. Includes relevant evidence about the contributions of Chicanas to the Chicana/o movement throughout
Southwest history with examples from education, politics, and the economy. Addresses pertinent social justice issues and responses by both the Chicana/o and the anglo populations.
Acuña, R. (2000). Occupied America : A history of Chicanos. New York : Longman.
Described the gender inequality within the Chicano Movement and the impact of Chicana feminism on the overall progress of
1970s social actions. Comprehensive coverage of the Chicana/o history with a careful examination and analysis of key events and players in the quest for ethnic and gender equality
Cabrera, . L., & Padilla, A.M. (2004, May). Entering and succeeding in the “Culture of College”: The story of two Mexican heritage students. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 26(2), 152-169. doi: 10.1177/0739986303262604
Discusses the academic resilience of two Stanford Latino students using in-depth interviews. Provides insights into the common struggles faced by many first-time college students who rely on emotional support of families and academic support from faculty and staff at institutions of higher education. Discusses and evaluates various services available to students at crucial points in a college career and the strategies that assist in the efforts for academic success.
“Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Grant Project.” (February 2, 2005). California State University, Northridge Oviatt Library. Retrieved on February 7, 2008, from
Provided a current list of archival materials dealing with Latinas available for research purposes at CSU Northridge Oviatt
Library. These archival collections are made up of numerous primary sources that document the history and development of many grassroots community organizations that influenced the progression of the plight of the Latina in Los Angeles.
Pardo, M S. (1998). Mexican American women activists : Identity and resistance in two Los Angeles communities. Philadelphia :
Temple University Press.
Describes the development and evolution of two community-based organizations that empowered Latinas to deal with social justice issues in Los Angeles. Details the actions of Latinas in two neighboring communities who develop constructive, cohesive responses to perceived social threats.

8/21/2009 Sample Annot.Biblio APA

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