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Submitted By kideberle
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Note: This paper has been prepared for your reference by Dr. Kate Emmons. Please use it both as a template for your course papers as well as for tips on writing, organization, and APA format. After printing this paper for reference, replace the text and headings with your own. Save with a new filename. This paper was formatted per APA with the help of Reference Point Software (, an inexpensive and recommended APA formatting tool. Last modified: 12-23-04. If you have corrections, please write to


[Type the abstract here, left aligned with no indentation. It should be one paragraph and 120 words or less. Note than an abstract is to summarize and introduce the PAPER rather than the topic. It is not a substitute for (or the same thing as) the introduction, which is the first section of the paper.]
Paper Title Here, or First Heading for Longer Papers

The purpose of this paper is to help you write scholarly papers that are driven by a thesis or position statement and are formatted per APA (American Psychological Association, 2001). The first paragraph should address the following questions concisely and explicitly: a) What is this paper about? b) What is the thesis or position statement of the paper? c) How is the paper organized? In many ways, academic writing follows the same rules as public speaking: 1. Tell them what you are going to tell them (introduction and statement of the problem or position, and how the paper is set up in terms of sections and topics). 2. Tell them (body of paper to include your main points, evidence and discussion). 3. Tell them what you told them (summary and conclusion). This paper provides direction

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