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Samsung Strategic Analysis


Submitted By kiez
Words 10006
Pages 41
Management Summary
Samsung wants to introduce a new line of mp4 players. This plan is a detailed analysis on how Samsung can best introduce this product in The Netherlands as well as in Germany. First there is internal analysis of Samsung than external analysis will follow, which will focus on the Netherlands and Germany.
Samsung wants to introduce this product in an already very competitive market, the MID market (Mobile internet device). One of the main competitors of Samsung, Apple, is already active in this market and Samsung wants to know how they will be able to compete.
Samsung has always been a very innovative and technical company. Right now their technical and innovative strengths are there main competitive advantage. Samsung has a global product structure, with its main focus on their different product lines. Samsung has a geocentric predisposition, with subsidiaries all over the world.

Table of Contents
Preface 2
Management Summary 3
Internal analysis 7
Organizational Structure 7
Innovations 8
Technical superiority 10
New product possibilities and opportunities 10
Patents 11
Technologies 11
Finance 11
Quality of top and middle management 12
Company culture 12
Strategic goals/Strategies 12
Company values of Samsung 13
Core values 13
Business principles of Samsung 13
Entrepreneurship 13
Planning 14
Management of workforce 14
Personnel 14
Attitude and Motivation 14
Marketing 14
Product quality 14
Width/ depth assortment 15
Target Group 16
Internationalization 16
Positioning 17
Pricing 17
Distribution 18
Quality of promotion 18
Strengths and weaknesses 18
Strengths 18
Weaknesses 18
External analysis 18
Customer analysis 18
Target group 21
Positioning statement 21
Positioning statement 21
Target group 22
Industry analysis 22
Macro-environment factors 22
Demographic factors

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