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“School Class Differences in Educational Achievement Are the Results of Factors Within Home”


Submitted By samuelbathilde
Words 1667
Pages 7
“School class differences in educational achievement are the results of factors within home” only?

Differences in educational achievement can be assessed through three forms of stratification; social class, ethnicity and gender. Moreover, the main factor s which spill light on the matter are both the home and school factors.

For instance, the picture of academic achievement by social class is consistent. The survey of Halsey, Heath and Ridge (1980) showed that boys from the service class (top strata) had 40 times more chance of attending a public than a boy from the working class. Even after the abolition of the tripartite system, with 1944 Act, the chance of a working class boy to rise through academic ranks, is four time less than a service class boy of still being in school at the age of 16 , eight times less at 17, ten times less at 18 and eleven times less at university while the above is a general review of the relation between class and educational achievement, it is essential to isolate the two distinct contribute factors: home factor and school factor a concrete discussion. Primarily, let’s take into consideration the home factors; subdivided in material factors and cultural factors.

J.W.B Douglas (1964) carried out a survey of over 5,000 children born in 1946.He found out that on overall, children from the working class are less performing in ability test. According to him, the home background, parent attitudes, parents’ hours of work and mostly parental interest in their children schooling/education are what influence achievement. In general, middle class parents expressed a greater in their children’s progress as indicated by more frequents to schools and are more likely to want their children to stay at school beyond the minimum leaving age and encourage them to do so. Douglas, Feinstein claimed that the main factor influencing educational

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