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School Should Start Later Essay

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“Students and teachers should be in favor of later school start time because it results in increased grades, more hours of sleep, and fewer students sleeping in class.” Students should be given a chance to get enough sleep and it may result in higher grades in school and teachers will have more energy to teach students the fundamentals of school better usually when student have been given the chance to succeed in school and in classes they should take it because with school that pushes back the hours which students and teachers can sleep more can more enhanced on them. This method of teaching kids started in 2002 when school boards had the idea starting school at a later time. So students can get a better experience at school and not sleep …show more content…
Many students and teachers will also agree and support this because sleep can be kind to people and the morning they wake up can be refreshing to the person who took advantage of it the most. Sleep can also boost the brain in getting the grades that are required to pass your classes. Basically sleep that last around 8 to 9 hours will give the student to progress in school and to give the student the benefit of sleep while they are at home. Accidents for people be a big deal many people. When people wake up and get in there cars they are drowsy and are more likely to get in an accident while driving to their destination. To prevent accidents from happening sleep is the answer and waking up later in the day gives the student and the teacher to prevent accidents from happening. People around the world would enjoy waking up later if it was for work or school. The most wonderful thing that life has given and to take advantage of it the school has to start at a later time so schools’ can enjoy it. School is a place of learning and to have that type of things that the school board is given. In overall students are still had to go through the pain of waking up in the morning whether if it’s getting ready to go to school or getting dropped off from a long distance from where the student lives is hard because waking up is

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